Review: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.

Title – Everything, Everything
Author – Nicola Yoon
Publication Date – September 1st 2015 by Delacorte Press
ISBN – 9780553496666

Madeline has a rare disease, she’s allergic to the world. Madeline hasn’t left her house in seventeen years. The only people she sees are her mother, her nurse, Carla, and her teachers. But most of the time she only sees her teachers over Skype.

When a moving truck arrives across the road Madeline’s drawn to a tall, slender boy all in black – just like the angel of death. When he catches her looking he stares back. His name is Olly.

The future is unpredictable and uncertain. But one thing Madeline is certain of, she’s going to fall in love with Olly and it will probably end in disaster.

I received a copy of Everything, Everything from NetGalley for review. I can’t remember why I requested it but I has heard good things about it.

I saw Bubble Boy years ago and that’s the first thing that came to mind when I started the 11921958_10155843017825018_851072400_nbook. I’ve heard people being allergic to the sun but not to the world before. It would be a very isolating life. Seeing the same walls everyday and never getting to go outside. Or even open a window. I can’t imagine the strain that would put on a family. I get why Madeline escaped into books. As a reader you can live infinite lives even when you’re stuck in the same crappy one.

Halfway through the book I started to suspect there was something else going on. When Madeline’s mother fired Carla, that’s when I figured out what it was. I was really hoping I’d gotten it wrong because if I was right it was so messed up. I mean, I can understand what happened now that I’ve read the book but at the same time I can’t help thinking of everything Madeline lost.

I couldn’t put this book down. It was beautifully written and I loved all the IM’s and illustrations. Nicola Yoon has written one of my favourite books of 2015. I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of it.

Have you read this? Let me know what you thought in the comments.

– Aimee.

19 thoughts on “Review: Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon.

    • I’m not sure why everyone else likes it but it’s different from anything I’ve read. Yes, it’s girl meets boy, falls for him, and all that but it’s so different from your usual “girl meets boy” stuff. Plus, there’s a twist to the book that was obvious for me but I’m not sure about anyone else. Still it’s a good twist to the story.


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