Tag: Harry Potter Book Tag.


I saw Nicole do this tag on her blog on the weekend and I love Harry Potter so I decided to do it too. You can check out her post here.

Like Nicole, I have no idea where the spell images came from. I took them from her post.

img_9908A book you found interesting but would like to rewrite:
I found this interesting and I did want to know what happened to Janie and Micah but I didn’t like the characters very much (Janie not at all) so I’d re-write them to be more likable.

img_9909The first book in a series that got you hooked:
There are so many books I could put here (Percy, Harry, The Lunar Chronicles) but I wanted to do something different. I read These Broken Stars last year and loved it so I had high expectations for the other two books in the trilogy and even though the second wasn’t as good the last one made up for it. But overall I loved this trilogy.

img_9910A Book that you wish you could have right now:
Heartless by Marissa Meyer. I’m really looking forward to this book!

img_9911A killer book:
I know a lot of people didn’t like this but I loved it! And that ending… OMG!

img_9912A book you find confusing:
12167920_10156031693245018_1468252055_nI managed to read half of this book and I just don’t get it. Some of the stories were really boring and the one I gave up on was the worst out of the three or four I’d read. It was so confusing, I didn’t know whose perspective I was it and it would change with no warning. This was my first ever DNF.

img_9913Your spirit animal book:
The Harry Potter Series always makes me happy and I have a lot of happy memories reading this series when I was younger.

img_9914 (1)A dark, twisted book:
I don’t know if this was dark but it was definitely twisted. I think all of the books by Gillian Flynn that I’ve read have been dark and twisted.

img_9915A book that surprised you in a great way:
I loved Kiera Cass’s The Selection Series so when I heard her first novel was being released (re-released??) I was excited to read it. Then I figured it was a love story and was a bit put off but I kept going and it was even better than I expected. I’m glad I gave it a chance.

I’m tagging anyone that wants to do it!


November 2015 Wrap Up.


I read a total of 14 books in November. I was kind of shocked when I put them all together for this photo. Although, one book was only 70 pages and one was a graphic novel.

The Grownup by Gillian Flynn – ★★★
Twilight by Stephenie Meyer (re-read) – ★★★★
This Shattered World by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner – ★★★★
Prodigy by Marie Lu (re-read) – ★★★★
The Witches by Stacy Schiff – ★★★
The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness – ★★★★
The Murdstone Trilogy by Mal Peet – ★★★
The Bazaar of Broken Dreams by Stephen King – ★★★★
Close to the Wind by Jon Walter – ★★★
Their Fractured Light by Amie Kaufman and Meagan Spooner – ★★★★★
Username: Evie by Joe Sugg – ★★
After You by Jojo Moyes – ★★★★
The Ask and the Answer by Patrick Ness – ★★★★
The Copper Gauntlet by Holly Black and Cassandra Clare – ★★★

I haven’t put my reviews of After You, The Ask and the Answer and The Copper Gauntlet up yet and I won’t be reviewing Username: Evie because I didn’t enjoy it at all. I did review it on my Goodreads account though. All the other books have been reviewed on my blog.

How many books did you read in November?


Tag: The Lunar Chronicles Book Tag!


This is just a random book tag I found online and thought I’d do. Plus, I love the Lunar Chronicles.

Cinder – The Cyborg:Linh_Cinder_PortraitA book that’s often misunderstood or unappreciated – 
Spark by Rachael Craw.

Kai – The Prince:
Kaito_PortraitA book about royals/royalty – 
The Selection by Kiera Cass.

Adri – The Evil Step-Mother:
A book with a horrible/cringe-worthy parent – 
Eleanor and Park by Rainbow Rowell.

Iko – The Spunky Sidekick:
lunar_chronicles___android_iko_concepts_by_lostie815-d7nhc1tA book with your favourite happy-go-lucky character – 
The Heroes of Olympus series by Rick Riordan. Both Percy and Leo fit into this one.

Scarlet – The Rescuer:
lunar_chronicles___scarlet_benoit_by_lostie815-d6wlfy0 A book with a character on a mission – 
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows by J.K. Rowling.

Wolf – The Fighter: 
wolfA book with a brutal fight – 
A Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin.

Levana – The Villian:
Levana_PortraitA book with the worst villian – 
Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by J.K. Rowling.

Thorne – The Rascal:
Carswell_Thorne_PortraitA book with the biggest schmoozer – 
The Infernal Devises Trilogy by Cassandra Clare.

Cress – The Hacker:
Crescent_Moon_Darnel_PortraitA book about technology or sci-fi – 
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff.

Erland – The Doctor:
A book with an illness or revolving around medical issues – 
My Sister’s Keeper by Jodi Picoult.

Winter – The Unsound Mind:
lunar_chronicles___princess_winter_by_lostie815-d76289cA book with the craziest character you’ve ever read – 
Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn.

Jacin – The Soldier:
Jacin_Clay_PortraitA book with a military theme – 
The Impossible Knife of Memory by Laurie Halse Anderson.

I liked this book tag. Obviously I couldn’t find any fan art pictures of Adri and Dr Erland which kind of annoys me because now the whole thing is messed up but oh well.

I haven’t read Winter yet because I want to re-read the Scarlet and Cress first (I’ve already re-read Cinder). So now spoilers please.


Top Ten Tuesday (November 10th): Top Ten Book To Movie Adaptations I’m Looking Forward To.


Top Ten Tuesday’s are hosted by The Broke and Bookish.
There are a lot of book to movie adaptations that I’ve been looking forward to. Some of them have already been released and I just haven’t gotten around to watching them yet.

jennifer-lawrence-shares-hunger-games-mockingjay-part-2-final-poster1. Mockingjay Part 2

Book – Mockingjay
Author – Suzanne Collins

I’m excited to see the end of the series but at the same time I’m not ready for it to end. I’ve loved watching The Hunger Games trilogy on the big screen and I love Jennifer Lawrence as Katniss.

the-martian-104112-poster-xlarge2. The Martian

Book – The Martian
Author – Andy Weir


I absolutely loved The Martian when I read it a few months ago. I obviously haven’t seen the movie or it wouldn’t be on this list but I really, really want to. I hope it lives up to my expectations.

ascendant1-1080x6073. Allegiant & Ascendant

Book – Allegiant
Author – Veronica Roth

I’ve loved both adaptations of Divergent and Insurgent, even though they changed Insurgent a bit it was still really good. I can’t wait for Allegiant next year and Ascendant the year after. I’m not sure why they split the book or where they plan to leave Allegiant but I’m looking forward to finding out.

fantastic-beasts4. Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them

Book – Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them
Author – J.K. Rowling

Another trip into J.K. Rowling’s wizarding world! I cannot wait!!

db_uk_cover_of_inferno_by_dan_brown5. Inferno

Book – Inferno
Author – Dan Brown

I’ve read my mother’s copies of Robert Langdon’s series. They are all really good and Tom Hanks is so good in The Da Vinci Code and Angels and Demons. I’ve wanted them to make Inferno into a movie for a while.

maze-runner-the-scorch-trials-first-poster6. The Scorch Trials

Book – The Scorch Trials

Author – James Dashner

I read the books a few years ago and thought they were okay. Not the best books I’ve ever read but far from the worst. I liked them from what I can remember. I want to re-read the book before seeing the movie which is why I haven’t seen it yet.

The_5th_Wave_poster7. The 5th Wave

Book – The 5th Wave
Author – Rick Yancey

I bought The 5th Wave a few months ago and still haven’t read it yet. But that was before I’d heard it was being turned into a movie. I’m definitely going to read the book before I see the movie.


8. The Choice

Book – The Choice
Author – Nicholas Sparks

Another Nicholas Sparks book adaptation. I’ve seen most of the movies and have read all of his books. I was planning on re-reading The Choice this month but I’m not sure if I’ll be able to fit it in now.

818tMZ3aozL__SL1500_9. Me Before You

Book – Me Before You
Author – Jojo Moyes


I read Me Before You a few months ago and really liked it. I didn’t know it was going to be a movie until a few weeks ago but I am looking forward to seeing it. Plus, Sam Claflin..

file_604186_dark-places-poster10. Dark Places

Book – Dark Places
Author – Gillian Flynn

I’ve read all of Gillian Flynn’s books. I think I read Dark Places a few years ago and liked it. I think out of that, Gone Girl and Sharp Objects, Dark Places is one of my favourites. I’m looking forward to the movie.

This was kind of hard. Putting only ten movies into this post. Although I did squeeze in Ascendant.

What are the movie adaptations you’re looking forward to? Leave me a comment and let me know.


Review: The Grownup by Gillian Flynn.

Title – The Grownup
Author – Gillian Flynn
Publication Date – November 3rd 2015 by Weidenfeld & Nicolson


A young woman is making a living as a fake psychic with some illegal sex work on the side, but she’s not a prostitute. She earns her money by telling people the things they want to hear. Then she meets Susan Burke.

Susan moved to a Victorian house with her husband, step-son and her son. Susan is convinced there’s an evil presence in her home possessing her step-son Miles. The fake psychic doesn’t believe in the supernatural but when she enters the house for the first time she starts to feel it too, that the house is watching her, biding it’s time…

I received a copy of The Grownup from Hachette New Zealand for review. I’ve read all of Gillian’s other books so I was excited to read this one. I may have to get a copy of her other books now because this looks lonely by itself.

The Grownup is a lot like Gillian’s other books at the start, a young woman is manipulating 12188711_10156078487570018_1693707674_npeople. (Her name is never revealed in the book so I’m just going to have to call her ‘the fake psychic’ in my review.) But just when I thought I knew what was happening, things got weird and I was left with so many questions.

I did guess whose house she, the fake psychic, was in but I did not see the rest coming. I’m not even sure I knew what was going on in the end. It was all so confusing. But confusing in a good way.

The Grownup is a short story, less than 70 pages, originally written for George R.R. Martin. For a short story it was really good and exactly what was expecting from a Gillian Flynn book. I do wish she’d write another full length book though.

I’m not sure what else I can say about this book. If you’re a fan of Gillian’s I’m sure you’ll like it too but if you’re anything like me it’ll leave you wanting more. Maybe not more of this particular story but more of her writing. At least that’s what it did for me.

What’s your favourite Gillian Flynn book? Leave me a comment and let me know.

– Aimee.

October Book Haul.

12182011_10156067103210018_892541656_nI decided to share my October book haul today because I’m not expecting to get any more this month. I received eight books this month from publishers for review, bought one, was sent one from a friend on Instagram and I won two in a giveaway.

12071832_10156003099455018_652304729_nA friend that I met through Instagram sent me a copy of Burying Water by K.A. Tucker because she wants me to read it. She’s told me a few times how much she loves this series. I’ve never read them, or heard of them before she bought it up.

We were meant to buddy read this book this month but other books got in the way for me. Hopefully I’ll be able to get to it in November. I don’t think I’m getting more than two books for review next month so those books won’t get in the way this time.

The next book I got my mother picked. She was reading it at the start of the month but 12077483_10156014063625018_1912407639_n
then stopped. I can’t remember why. I think she got the new book, The Girl in the Spider’s Web? I think that’s what it’s called. Anyway this one got put to the side.

I’m not 100% sure what it’s about other than the war and I think I Jewish family trying to survive. I haven’t really had a proper look at it.

I think I’ll get to it before she does though. She’s kind of a slack reader.

This is the one book I bought this month.

12064239_10156019375275018_1948691798_nThe next book I received from Hachette New Zealand to review.

I’ve read a lot of John Grisham’s books but not all of them. But I haven’t read any in a few years. My mother has I think half of his books and those are the ones I used to read. One was so old and read that it was falling apart.

Anyway, I’ve read and reviewed this book already. It was released in New Zealand last week. You can read my review of Rogue Lawyer here.

I also received three books from Allen and Unwin New Zealand on the same day as12023218_10156019548710018_1616737607_n
Rogue Lawyer. I’ve read all of them now but only reviewed one, The Woman in Black and other Ghost Stories which you can read here.

I was so excited when I opened the parcel and saw Illuminae in there. I’d wanted to read it for months.

I finished The Lake House a few days ago and loved it. I’ll be putting a review of both The Lake House and Illuminae on my blog soon. I had to get my head around them both before I could get my thoughts in order. They are both pretty big books but they both had me hooked from the first few chapters.

12165798_10156029029635018_1557712008_nI requested The Jewel and The White Rose from Walker Books Australia and New Zealand. I’d wanted to read The Jewel for a while so when I saw The White Rose had been released I thought I’d ask and see if they’d let me review them.

I’ve read and reviewed The Jewel, you can check out my review here. I read The White Rose yesterday and couldn’t put it down and so I ended up reading all of it. Now I’m stuck with a horrible cliffhanger until the next book comes out. I really enjoyed them both.

I’ll be posting my review for The White Rose next week probably.

The next two books are the ones I won in a giveaway. I was so surprised to win these 12166169_10156042376945018_871402318_nbecause I totally forgot that I’d entered giveaway through rafflecopter (is that what it’s called?)

I’d actually been looking for A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms by George RR Martin the day before I was told that I’d won a copy of it with After Alice by Gregory Maguire.

I haven’t read either of these yet. I’m not sure when I’ll get to them but I’m excited to read them both. I love George RR Martin and A Song of Ice and Fire so I’m sure I’ll like AKOTSK too. After Alice sounds really interesting. I loved Alice in Wonderland when I was a kid. I might read that and Through the Looking Glass again before I pick this one up.

12167577_10156045154410018_638439747_nI received a copy of Gold Fame Citrus from Hachette New Zealand for review.

I’d never heard of this before or the author. It’s a new dystopian novel. I started it today and I’m not really sure about the ages of the main characters but I think they’re in their twenties. But again, I’m not sure.

I’m not that far in yet but from what I can tell there’s hardly any water left in America, there’s a lot of dust and some kind of list you can go on to “help your country” which sounds kind of off putting.. I’ll just have to keep reading and find out.

The last book I received in October was again from Hachette New Zealand. I’ve read all 12177820_10156061608720018_1912361791_n
Gillian Flynn’s other books so I’m looking forward to this one. I down own any of her books though.

I think my favourite was is between Dark Places and Gone Girl. Sharp Objects was disturbing but predictable. I figured out the ‘mystery’ in that one early in the book. But the other two kind of had me guessing, especially Gone Girl. That was an awesome twist.

The Grownup is a short story, I think written for George RR Martin if I’m remembering correctly. It’s just over 60 pages so won’t take me long to read. Both The Grownup and Gold Fame Citrus are out in November, the third I think. I hope to have them both read by then.

That’s my haul for October. I don’t expect to get as many next month. I think two books are coming from Hachette New Zealand but that’s all I’m aware of. I don’t think I’ll get any more than those.

I just want to thank the all the publishing companies who sent me books this month. I am so happy I can review books for you 🙂

Have you read any of these? What’s your favourite book you got in October? Leave me a comment and let me know.

– Aimee.

PopSugar 2015 Reading Challenge Update.

10906451_613545512106612_7981170696396259077_nI’ve decided to update my PopSugar reading challenge. I can’t remember the last time I did this but I’ve decided to change how I’m updating you. I’m not going to mention every time I’ve read a book on the list because that started to drive me mental. So I think every few months I’ll just let you know how far along I’ve come with it.

I don’t think any of the books I’m reading this month are going to go towards the challenge so they’ll be no update at the end of May.

So far I’ve read 20 books on the list. Two of them are towards the trilogy, which I haven’t finished yet.

1.  A book that became a movie – I decided to reread The Maze Runner by James Dashner because I want to read The Scorch Trials before it comes out and I have this problem with just picking up one book in a series/trilogy without reading the others.

2. A book written by someone under 30 – For this I chose Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I’ve never read this before and I’d heard good things about it. They were all wrong. I didn’t really like this book. I did a search for authors under 30 and this book came up on a list on Goodreads and it was on my to-read list too.

3. A funny book – I struggled to find a book for this one. I don’t have a lot of books that make me laugh out loud but then I remembered that Karl Pilkington has written a few and he’s funny so I thought I’d try one of his books. The only one my library has is The Moaning of Life and it did have it’s funny moments. I had wanted to read his Idiot Abroad books though.

4. A mystery or thriller – For this I read Dark Places by Gillian Flynn. I’d read Gone Girl and Sharp Objects by her too so I figured Dark Places would be a good one. Gone Girl had disturbing twists and Sharp Objects was so weird it was kind of crazy. Dark Places had a lot of twists too. It had me thinking and questioning things all the way through. I think two out of three of Gillian’s books had surprising twists for me. Sharp Objects I had figured out though.

5. A book with one word title – The first book I read this year was Waterfall by Lauren Kate. It fit this one so I decided to just use it. Even though I’m not sure I like these books. Teardrop is the first one and there is just this one character in them, Ander, that does my head in.

6. A Pulitzer-Prize winning book – For this one I chose The Color Purple by Alice Walker. I’ve wanted to read this for awhile and I knew it had won a Pulitzer so two birds, one stone. Horrible saying. Anyway, I can’t remember what I wrote about this in my review but I’m pretty sure I didn’t think it was that great. It was probably better when it was published but now it’s not shocking at all. I didn’t really connect with any of the character which I think was half the problem.

7.  A book that scares you – I’ve never been scared reading a book. For this I looked into books by Stephen King. He’s meant to be good at scaring people right? But the ones I wanted t read, The Shining or The Fog, aren’t at my library so I just randomly picked one and (horrible mistake right there, never ever randomly pick a book) I got Pet Sematary by Stephen King. What a dumb book. It’s not scary at all. A tragic accident happens, the dad makes this really stupid decision and then other stuff happens, like people die because of that and then he makes the stupid decision again. I’m sorry, did you not learn the first time? Ugh, it was just really bad.

8. A book more than 100 years old – I’ve wanted to read The Secret Garden by Francis Hodgson Burnett for years. I loved the movie when I was a kid so I thought it was about time I read the book. I did not like it. I can’t remember what the spoiled little rich boys name is but ugh, he was just so annoying. For some reason most of the classics I’ve read so far this year I haven’t liked.

9. A book you can finish in a day – I didn’t have a book chosen for this. I could have put Anna and the French Kiss but that’s under another category. So for this one I have War Horse by Michael Morpugo. I’ve seen the movie and loved it and I do normally read the book first but I failed with this one. I completely forgot I was reading in the point of view of Joey, the horse, and when he’d mention his saddle or how his hooves hurt I was like, oh right, it’s Joey.

10. A book set somewhere you’ve always wanted to visit – I have always wanted to go to Paris which is why I chose Anna and the French Kiss by Stephanie Perkins for this one. I read this in a day. I couldn’t put it down. I’m not one for romance but this one sucked me in and I wasn’t going to stop until I finished it. It was that good.

11. A book that came out the year you were born – I had to do a few google searches for this. In the end I picked Matilda by Roald Dahl. I’ve never read a book by Roald Dahl before. I know, I really suck. But I really liked Matilda. I might have to read a few more of his now.

12. A book with magic – I’ve decided to reread The Mortal Instruments series this year so for this one I have City of Bones by Cassandra Clare. I thought using Harry Potter would be too obvious and it wasn’t that long ago that I reread the series for the 100th time. (Kidding, I have no idea how many times I’ve read them).

13. A graphic novel – I got a few of these out from the library and the first one I decided to read was Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead. Is the graphic novel by Richelle? I don’t know. I thought it was pretty good. It didn’t leave much out from the book.

14 . A book written by an author with your initials – This was so hard. I couldn’t think of any off the top of my head and my searches on google turned up no books in my library till I came across Alice Sebold. I’d already read The Lovely Bones and The Almost Moon, is that it? I didn’t want to reread them because I didn’t really like either of them so the only one left by Alice Sebold was Lucky. I could not connect with this book. I don’t know if it was Alice’s writing but there was just something I couldn’t get passed. So all three of her books that I’ve read I didn’t really like so I may just stay away from her books from now on.

15. A banned book – I do not understand why half the books on the list I found of banned books are banned. I reread The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky for this. I love this book. Apparently it’s banned because of the sex, drugs, alcohol and gay characters. But that’s life. Get over it. I know not all high school kids are into drinking and drugs, I wasn’t but I knew it happened. Do people not realise that banning a book only makes the kids want to read them? If only to see why it was banned in the first place.

16. A book you started but never finished – I tried to read this book two years ago and I think there were two reasons why I never finished it. 1. there was a waiting list of 20 people that wanted this book after me and having pressure on me to finish the book didn’t help. 2. I had a huge pile of library books to get through. I did try but I don’t think I got passed the first chapter. It’s The Cuckoo’s Calling by Robert Galbraith. I have read it now and it took over half the book for me to get into the story. I don’t really read a lot of crime/detective books anymore. I eventually got into it but it was almost at the end.

17. A book based entirely on it’s cover – For this I chose Love Letters to the Dead by Ava Dellaria. I honestly didn’t know what to choose for this one but someone on Instagram used this and I already had an eBook copy of it so I decided to read it too. I’ve no idea if it even works for this category but I’m going with it.

18 – A book with non-human characters –  I was recommended this book to use in this category. I kind of wish I had found one myself but too late now. The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. I didn’t really like this book. There was one character that ruined the whole book for me and that was Toad. He is just a really stupid, annoying, spoiled character and I don’t even know how he still has friends. I’d be long gone. Another classic that I didn’t like.

19 & 20. Trilogy – These are the first two books I’ve read in the trilogy I chose for this challenge. I decided to reread the Divergent trilogy because Insurgent came out this year (which I still haven’t seen). I’ve read Divergent and Insurgent by Veronica Roth. One more and I can cross trilogy off the list. I love these books. I hate the ending but I love Tris and Tobias.

So these are the books I’ve read so far for the challenge. I think I have 32 left to read. I’m sure there are 52 books on the list.

Are you doing the PopSugar Challenge? If you are, how many books have you read so far? Let me know in the comments

– Aimee