February Book Haul.


I didn’t get photos of every book I got in February. I received 16 books from publishers and I bought two for myself. So, I’ll just jump right in.

The first five books I got while I was staying at a friend of the family while we were waiting to move into our new place. The first book I got was Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom. I don’t have a photo of this yet. With all the moving and unpacking I fell behind with my book haul last month on my bookstagram. I haven’t read Cruelty yet but I hope to get to it soon.c4k-6xrucaav53l

The next two books I received from HarperCollins New Zealand to review. Wayfarer is the sequel and conclusion to Passenger. I read Passenger last year and I thought it was okay, not the best. But the cliffhanger at the end of the book made me want to read the sequel.

I’ve actually read this. I still had the same problems with Wayfarer that I had with Passenger but I think because I was expecting them that I was able to ignore and skip over the parts that had too much detail. Like the friggen ending. I’ll talk about all that in my review though. Which I hope to have up soon. I’ve fallen behind on a lot of this with the move but I’m hoping to catch up soon. c40ckgevcaajvd

The other book I received from HarperCollins New Zealand was Aerie. This is the sequel to Magonia. This is another one where I wasn’t really sure about the first book but I still wanted to see what the sequel was like. It’s not that I didn’t like Magonia, it was just different. But not in a bad way.

Amway, Aerie is on my March TBR so hopefully I’ll get to read it soon. I don’t know what to expect with Aerie but I’m looking forward to reading it. I don’t know if this is going to be a duology or a trilogy/series.. c5js__vumaadwcx

I received Defender from Hachette New Zealand to review.

When this arrived I didn’t remember what it was about but I must have requested it for a reason. I think it’s about voices… I’m not really sure.

I don’t know when I’ll get to read this. My reading has slowed down so much in the last couple of months. I hope now that we’re settled into the new house that things will get back to normal but who knows..

I received a copy of The Edge of Everything from Allen and Unwin New Zealand to review. c5edcoyukae99bbThis is actually the first book mail I received in my now house.

I haven’t read this yet but it is on my March TBR so I’m hoping to get to it soon.

If you’ve read my book hauls before then you know I suck at remembering what books are about and I’m just too lazy to look them all up. It takes long enough to do a book haul post. I cannot be bothered looking up every book too. I don’t have time for that.

Anyway, I love the orange pages. The photo doesn’t do them justice because they’re so bright. c45b1mrvmaak19c

Hachette New Zealand sent me a copy of King’s Cage. Yes, I know it wasn’t in my book haul photo. That’s because I forgot where I put it and by the time I found it I couldn’t be bothered taking a new photo. Lazy, right?

Anyway, this is the third book in the Red Queen series and I’m actually reading this at the moment. I’ll be finished today because I need to know how this ends but at the same time I really don’t. Victoria’s cliffhangers are normally kind of shocking and painful. And then there’s a really long wait until the next book is released.

I love this series. King’s Cage was one of my most anticipated releases of 2017.


Walker Books Australia surprised me with a copy of The Light Fantastic. I’d never heard of this until I opened the box it came in.

Again, I’m not sure what it’s about but I hope to read it soon. I made quite a big March TBR considering I didn’t read much in January and February. If I get through the books that I plan to read in March early then hopefully I can squeeze this on. Maybe. I don’t know. I don’t even know what this is about…

Also, you’ll have to excuse the really crappy photos in this post. I don’t have a lot to work with here, flowers and tree wise. There’s two tiny trees in the backyard. c5ydlcfvmaakpks

Penguin Random House New Zealand sent me a copy of See You in the Cosmos to review. I thought this sounded really interesting when I read the synopsis.

It’s about Alex, who’s made recordings on his iPod to send into space for other forms of life to see what it’s like on Earth. Then he goes on a road trip with his dog, Carl Sagan, to launch it into space but gets a lot more than he expected.

See You in the Cosmos is on my March TBR. I actually held a poll on my twitter to see what my next read should be. I can’t wait to read the book that won but I also wanted to read this too. I’ll read it after the book that won so it’s okay. c5tbbnyucaaxaab

Another surprise from Walker Books Australia. I’d seen this on bookstagram but didn’t really know what it was about. Then it appeared one day and I was really excited to read it.

I don’t know when I’ll get to it though. And, yes, since receiving a copy I have forgotten what it’s about. I’m sure it has somethings to do with running though.

I love getting surprise book mail. Who am I kidding.. I love getting book mail. It’s the best part of my day sometimes. Does that make me a really boring/sad person?c5oj3gxukaepmvq

Hachette New Zealand sent me both He Said/She Said and The Girl Before to review. These both sound really good. I think they’re both psychological thrillers but I’m not 100% sure.

My mother took The Girl Before the day I got it and has already read it. She said she really liked it. I think it’s been picked up for a movie but I could be wrong.

He Said/She Said is about a couple witnessing a crime, I think, and then not reporting it? And then whatever happens in the book picks up a year last? I don’t know. It sounds familiar but I could be completely wrong. c5jr9o-vmaajubd

Allen and Unwin New Zealand sent me a copy of Traitor to the Throne to review. This is the sequel to Rebel of the Sands. I read Rebel of the Sands last year and I loved it. I can’t remember what happened in it and I don’t want to re-read it so I might have to look up a recap somewhere. If anyone knows a good site please let me know!

I have Traitor to the Throne on my March TBR and I cannot wait to read it. But it’ll have to wait until I find a good recap site. I did have one last year but it sucked. I needed a recap of An Ember in the Ashes and it said something like “blah blah person reveals secret to another person” but not what the freaking secret was. What kind of half assed and completely unhelpful recap is that? Anyway, if you know a good site what actually recaps books properly please let me know!c5o3sy3uoaavvim

Penguin Random House sent me a copy of Into the Water to review. I loved Paula Hawkins’ first book, The Girl on the Train so when I saw she’d written another psychological thriller I had to read it.

I’m assuming this has something to do with water because again, I can’t remember what it’s about. I mean, it doesn’t actually matter. I loved The Girl on the Train so I don’t need to know what this is about to know I want to read it.

This doesn’t come out here till May so I will be reading it closer to the release date. c5ixfvbu0aaivm3

Walker Books Australia sent me a copy of The Hate U Give. This has been one of the books I’ve wanted to read for so long and it’ll be my next read after I finish King’s Cage.

I think this was inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and the song Thug Life by Tupac. But don’t hold me to that.

The Hate U Give follows Starr as she witnesses a policeman shoot and kill her unarmed best friend, Khalil. As the only witness to the crime what Starr does next could tear her community apart. It could also get her killed. I think this sounds like a book everyone needs to read and I can’t wait to pick it up. c5tvjy-uyaqkcfe

The last book I have a photo of was sent to me from Hachette New Zealand to review.

I have read Laini Taylor’s Daughter of Smoke and Bone trilogy and wasn’t a fan. But Strange the Dreamer sounds interesting so I can’t wait to read it.

This is on my March TBR so I’m hoping to read it before the release date so I can have my review done in time. That hasn’t happened for a looong time now.

Like I said at the start of my post there are a few books I didn’t manage to take photos of. I’m just going to list them here.

Cruelty by Scott Bergstrom,
Caraval by Stephanie Garber,
Heartless by Marissa Meyer,
The Great Shelby Holmes: Girl Detective by Elizabeth Eulberg,
This Beats Perfect by Rebecca Denton.

Cruelty was sent to me from Walker Books Australia to review. I bought Caraval and Heartless for myself. The Great Shelby Holmes: Girl Detective was surprise book mail from Allen and Unwin New Zealand and is a middle grade retelling of Sherlock Holmes. And I won a copy of This Beats Perfect from Hachette New Zealand.

So that’s my book haul for another month. How many books did you get in February?

– Aimee.