Review: Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff.

Title – Obsidio
Series – The Illuminae Files #3
Authors – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
How I Got It – From the publisher
Pages – 615 pages
Publication Date – March 14th 2018 by Allen & Unwin
ISBN – 9781925266726
My Rating – ★★★★★/5

“Asha Grant came to Karenza to escape her past. Too bad he just caught up with her.”

Asha is one of the survivors from BeiTech’s attack on Karenza and now she’s part of the resistance. The last thing Asha thought she’d have to worry about was her ex-boyfriend. But Rhys Lindstrom just landed on Karenza, and he’s looking better than ever. Even though he’s in a BeiTech uniform…

Asha isn’t the only one who’s got problems. Her cousin, Kady and the other survivors are heading towards Karenza – and they don’t have enough oxygen to get there alive. BeiTech are hurrying to fix their damaged jump gate, which will mean killing anyone alive on Karenza before they leave.

I received a copy of Obsidio from Allen and Unwin New Zealand to review. This is the final book in The Illuminae Files. You can click the links for my reviews of Illuminae and GeminaDWbW7vcU0AUzyya

I loved the first two books in this trilogy. The story has been edge of your seat insane and I love how the story is told through surveillance videos, IM’s and illustrations. Obsidio was one of my most anticipated books this year and it deserved all the stars!

I was definitely expecting death in this one. I mean, why wouldn’t I after what AIDAN did in Illuminae and Gemina? And I didn’t want to get my hopes up that everyone that I liked would survive because I felt like I’d just be setting myself up for heartbreak. But that’s all I’m going to say about that.

I love Kady, Ezra, Hanna, Nik and Ella. It didn’t take me long to add Asha to that list but I wasn’t sure what to think of Rhys. Not just because he was in a BeiTech uniform but I was hoping he’d end up on the right side.

There were so many time while reading Obsidio that I thought people were dead. I can only remember one part where I knew some of the characters weren’t dead even though people thought they were. I’m not going to say who because I don’t want to spoil anything.

I loved the ending of Obsidio! The part where Kady, Ezra and Nik were talking about Leanne made me laugh out loud. And that final tribunal scene was hilarious! But I did enjoy the tribunal scenes in Illuminae and Gemina too.

Oh my god – the identity of the person doing the surveillance footage was revealed in this. How did I not see that coming? It’s so freaking obvious now! They were one of my favourite parts of all three books.

And then there’s AIDAN… What can I say about AIDAN? Well he didn’t disappoint. Even though he killed all those people I still missed AIDAN. Is that weird?

If you haven’t read The Illuminae Files you’re totally missing out! There’s zombies, disgusting giant worm things that always make me cringe when I read about them and a psychotic AI who kills people. Seriously, what’s not to love? This trilogy has made me actually laugh out loud in every books. I love the story, the characters, the sarcasm and Marie Lu’s illustrations. I gave every book five stars. I can’t wait to see what Kaufman and Kristoff come up with next!

*Thank you Allen and Unwin New Zealand for sending me a copy to review*

– Aimee.

February Book Haul.

Watercolor flower wreath background for beautiful design

I thought it was about time that I shared my February book haul. I know it’s a little late but better late than never I guess. DXZPYvrVQAAJQfO

So last month I got a total of 20 books. I bought ten and received ten to review.

I’d read three before but wanted different copies and out of the rest I only managed to read one last month.

I cannot believe how much my reading has slowed down since last year. But I am watching more TV at night now instead of reading so that might be why? But I like having a break from reading sometimes. I think I burnt myself out last year and three reading slumps were what came of it. Anyway, onto my book haul.

So the first book I got last month was Almost Midnight. I bought a copy of this randomly. 1I wasn’t looking for it. I do have a copy of one of the short stories in this book, Kindred Spirits, but haven’t actually read it yet.

This edition is really pretty in person, it had glitter all over the book. I don’t know when I’ll get around to reading it. Maybe if I fall behind in my reading challenge.

I’ve read a few of Rainbow Rowell’s books and I think my favourite out of the ones I’ve read might be Landline? But Fangirl is still on my TBR. I have a copy of that, I just haven’t gotten around to reading it yet.

The next book I also bought for myself. I actually sent money to my cousin in England to pick me up a copy of this because I loved the Waterstones edition and couldn’t find it on2 Book Depository. Well, I think it’s a Waterstones edition?

Anyway this is the first book in Philip Pullman’s new series. I have to confess that I’ve only read Northern Lights in the His Dark Materials trilogy but I really enjoyed it and I plan on continuing the trilogy at some point this year. Then I will pick up La Belle Sauvage.

This edition also has a daemon inside the cover. I think there were a few you could get but I can only remember three, the monkey, one that I think was Pan (??) and a cat. I got the cat. There are more photos of the book on my Instagram but I’m sure you could Google to see too.

I also finally got the Shadow and Bone trilogy last month. I’ve been wanting to read these 3for years but the library I used to go to didn’t have them and I never got around to getting myself a copy of them until now. But that doesn’t mean I’ll be reading them anytime soon. I’ve had books sitting unread on my shelves for years and yet I still buy more…

I do want to read at least the first book this year though. At least then I’ll know if I should get copies of the Six of Crows duology. I’ve been really tempted to just buy them now but I don’t even know if I’ll like this trilogy. Which is why I haven’t actually bought them even though the hardbacks are so pretty with their sprayed edges! I love these editions though and the box set even came with a map!

Another book I bought for myself. Well, this one is a graphic novel of a book. I loved 4Marie Lu’s Legend trilogy so when I saw this for only $3 I had to get it. I don’t read a lot of graphic novels. The last one I read was the Northern Lights edition. I don’t know if the other two books have graphic novels though…

I haven’t read this yet. I’m planning to read it if I fall behind on this years reading challenge on Goodreads because graphic novels are really fast reads. And I haven’t read this trilogy in years!

I also want to get this trilogy in hardback too because my copies are different sizes and it frustrates me. I like have a series be the same size.

The next book was sent to me from Walker Books Australia to review. I’ve heard really 5good things about Scythe and I cannot wait to read it. It’s actually on my March TBR but I don’t know when I’ll pick it up…

I can’t remember what this is about and I don’t want to assume things here because I’ll probably just be wrong so I’m not going to. Someone told me that it made her cry both times they read it. It takes a lot for a book. TV show or movie to make me cry. I think I cry more watching something than reading though but there have been books that have made me cry. I can’t remember what the last one was though. I just looked at my reading challenge on Goodreads and none of the books I’ve read this year have made me cry. So I guess I’ll see if this one does when I eventually pick it up.

The next two books were sent to my from HarperCollins New Zealand to review. Firstlife is the first book in a trilogy I think. I think it was something about you live your first life6 and then die and go on to the next one? Which is your actual life? Oh wow that is a crap summary but it’s been a while since I read the synopsis.

That ‘hot price’ on the cover really annoys me because I can’t take it off. Why do you do this to pretty books!!!

Anyway, Firstlife is on my March TBR too. I don’t have my TBR in an order of when I’ll read the books. I just pick up a book I’m in the mood for. I think I tried to have them in some kind of order once and it never worked. Looks like I’m a mood reader. Especially if it’s a contemporary. I have to be in the mood for one of them to read them.

HarperCollins NZ also sent me a copy of Zenith to review. I love sci-fi books but I haven’t 7been hearing good things about this and to be honest it’s kind of put me off a little bit. I mean, I’ll read it eventually because it’s a review book but I’m just not in the mood for it yet. I will say that my expectations have dropped though. I’m not going to go into it expecting to have the same opinion as everyone else but the things I’ve heard just aren’t making me excited to read it.

I do like the cover though and the story still sounds good. I kind of hope I like it but if it’s as bad as I’ve heard it is then I also don’t want to at the same time? I don’t know.

I bought the hardback edition of Illuminae last year when I saw it at a local store for $7. So obviously I had to have the other two in hardback. Gemina arrived last month and it is8 gorgeous! I love the Illuminae Files and can’t wait for my copy of Obsidio to arrive. It’s finally been shipped!!

I really want to re-read this trilogy but it’ll have to wait until later in the year or next year. I have too many review copies I need to read first.

If you haven’t read Illuminae and Gemina then I cannot recommend them enough. They’re so unique and amazing and Gemina has beautiful illustrations by Marie Lu too. I gave both books five stars and I’ve already read them twice. I actually re-read them when I heard Obsidio’s publication date had been pushed back.

Walker Books Australia sent me an ARC of Small Spaces to review. This is a debut novel (I 9think) and comes out in April. It’s also a YA thriller and I love thrillers so I’m hoping to pick it up soon.

I can’t remember what this is about. I do remember requesting it and I think I read a synopsis but I’m not sure. I think I read it last year… My memory is crap though.

I think this is also from an Australian author too. I don’t read many ‘local’ authors. I mean, Australia isn’t really local, I’m in New Zealand, but it’s not like Australia is that far away. And I know a couple of New Zealand authors that fall under the LoveOZYA category so I guess we share…

Allen and Unwin New Zealand surprised me last month and sent me a copy of Obsidio to10 review. This is the only review book that I received last month that I read. There was no way I was waiting until closer to the review date to read it. That would drive me crazy. My review will be up when Obsidio is officially released in New Zealand but I will say that I gave it five stars too. This trilogy was amazing! But I’m not saying anything else here. You’ll just have to wait for my review.

The ANZ edition is so shiny though! I had to angle the book away from me because I kept showing up in the cover. I can’t wait to see what the hardback looks like in person. I don’t think it’s shiny though.

The next two books I got because I am buying The Selection Series in the hardback 11editions. Now I have the first three. When I first picked up The Selection and The Elite a few years ago I heard The CW were making it into a TV show and I wanted to read the book first. Well that never happened but I did fall in love with the story and America and Maxon.

I didn’t acutally think I would because it’s kind of like The Bachelor except with royalty and also sort of dystopian. The third book, The One, has a lot more action. Well, when I say action I really mean death. Which I did not see coming by the way. I know people don’t like The Heir and The Crown but I did. Eadlyn was annoying at first but as she grew up I found her less annoying. 12

I’m planning on buying The Heir, The Crown and Happily Ever After in hardback too. I’m not in any rush because I’ve read the series so I know what happens.

I was planning on re-reading them as I got them too but that hasn’t happened yet. Probaby because I need to catch up on my review books from last year and this year first. Taking a break over the holidays really put me behind and I haven’t caught up yet. I don’t even know if I will unless I stop requesting more books. Which I probably should. But there are so many good books coming out this year!

I bought a copy of The Librarian of Auschwitz from Book Depository when I saw it for 13$14. That’s not bad for a hardback in New Zealand. Anyway, this is based on a true story and has been translated into English. I haven’t read a book set in Auschwitz before so it’ll be different. I’ve read The Diary of a Young Girl a few times and Anne Frank Remembered, which was so sad but really good too.

My mother is reading this at them moment. Well, she’s been at 21 pages for the last two weeks so I can’t say she’s actually reading it. But she knows I won’t be picking it up any time soon so there’s no rush for her to finish it. I do want to read The Librarian of Auschwitz this year though.

Lighthouse Media New Zealand sent me a copy of Children of Blood and Bone to review. I’m actually reading this now and it’s so good! The release for New Zealand is the 13th I14 think so I have time to finish it and get my review up. I do recommend reading this though, it’s so good!!

I’ve also bought a copy of the Barnes and Noble special edition. I’m hoping it arrives in once piece. I’ve never bought anything from them before but I couldn’t pass up that edition! It’s so pretty. I also chose the cheapest shipping which means the longest. But I didn’t need it straight away because I have this to review.

But if you haven’t got a copy or weren’t planning on getting one then you definitely should! Or get it from a library! The magic and characters are amazing! And the cover is gorgeous.

HarperCollins New Zealand sent me a copy of The Queen’s Rising to review. This also has 15a pretty cover. And no I don’t remember what it’s about. But I’m assuming it’s about a queen.

This isn’t on my TBR for March but I think if I get time I might squeeze it on? But I’ll have to see what happens. So far I’ve only read The City of Brass, which was good, and I’m 3/4 way through Children of Blood and Bone. They are both big books though and my copy of Children of Blood and Bone has tiny text. Hopefully I’ll finish it in the next couple of days. And then I’ll figure out what I want to read next. I have six books to choose from. I also still need to post my March TBR…

So the last books I received in February were the 10th anniversary editions of the Chaos Walking Trilogy. These editions are beautiful and even have black sprayed edges. I’m 16hoping to read The Knife of Never Letting Go soon. I don’t have it on my TBR but hopefully my reading picks up again soon. I don’t know why it’s slowed down so much.

What books did you get in February?

– Aimee.

February Wrap Up.


I didn’t read much in February. My reading has definitely slowed down in the last six months. I wish I knew why so I could fix it…

Anyway, onto my wrap up.

Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco – ★★★★/5
Nexus by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan & Deborah Biancotti – ★★★★/5
Still Me by Jojo Moyes – ★★★★/5
Reign the Earth by A.C. Gaughen – ★★★★/5
Obsidio by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff – ★★★★★/5
The Hazel Wood by Melissa Albert – ★★★/5
Truthers by Geoffrey Girard – ★★★/5

Like I said, I didn’t read a lot last month. My favourite was definitely Obsidio! I’d give The Illuminae Files all the stars! I have given all three books five stars.

I also really enjoyed Still Me and Reign the Earth. I couldn’t give either of them five starts but I think four stars are still pretty good.

I’ll be posting my reviews of all these books soon.

How many books did you read in February?


Review: Godsgrave by Jay Kristoff.

Title – Godsgrave
Series – The Nevernight Chronicles #2
Author – Jay Kristoff
How I Got It – From the publisher
Pages – 437 pages
Publication Date – September 7th 2017 by Harper Voyager UK
ISBN – 9780008180041
My Rating – ★★★★/5

Mia is now a Blade of Our Lady of Blessed Murder, but not everyone in the Red Church thinks she earned it.

After a deadly confrontation with an enemy, Mia starts to wonder what the Red Church is really doing. So when an opportunity for revenge presents itself, Mia defies the Church and sells herself into slavery with the hope of fulfilling the promise she made the day she lost everything.

In the arena, Mia finds new allies, more rivals and even more questions about her connection to the shadows. As conspiracies unfold and secrets are revealed the body count starts to rise. And Mia will be forced to choose between loyalty and revenge.

I received a copy of Godsgrave from HarperCollins New Zealand to review. This is the second book in The Nevernight Chronicles. You can read my review of the first book, DNVuHM4VwAA5F-5Nevernight, here.

I really enjoyed Godsgrave. Mia is on a different path in this book but still has the same goal – vengeance for her family. There were so many things that came out this the book. Things about Mia’s family and the Red Church. Which has Mia going behind the Church’s back and trusting someone she isn’t sure she can actually trust.

Speaking of that person, I wasn’t really sure what to think of them helping Mia. Or if they were actually helping her and not just setting her up. I didn’t like what they did in Nevernight but at the same time they were helping Mia when they didn’t have to. Although I think they made some kind of deal at the start of the book but I’m not 100% sure…

I really liked the new characters in Godsgrave. Well, most of them anyway. There was one guy at this college place where Mia was who drove me nuts. But I liked all the other  gladiatii, especially Bryn, Bladesinger and Sidonius. Then there was this weird dark thing that Mia encountered at the start of the book. I didn’t know what to think about that thing… But what happened at the end of the book? What the hell was that? How can you just leave it there!! Oh my god.

I can’t do a review of Godsgrave and not mention the narrator. I actually love whoever’s telling this story just because of their sarcasm. I don’t care who it is anymore. I just love how they’re telling the story. I know some people don’t like the footnotes but I enjoy them just as much as the story.

I cannot wait for the next book to come out! That twist at the end was so good! Well, there was more than one twist at the end… But they were all so bloody good! If you haven’t read Nevernight and Godsgrave then you’re really missing out.

*Thank you HarperCollins New Zealand for sending me a copy to review*

– Aimee.


WWW Wednesday – [November 1st 2017]


This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. All you have to do is answer the following three questions in a post and then put a link to that post in the Comments over at Taking on a World of Words.

The questions are:
1. What are you currently reading?
2. What did you recently finish reading?
3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading – DNVuHM4VwAA5F-5
I started Godsgrave a few of days ago. I haven’t managed to read much because a cat that sort of adopted us (for now anyway) had kittens two days ago so I’ve been a little distracted. But I’m hoping to get back into it now that she seems more settled and has a somewhere to sleep. So we now have four new additions to the family. Not sure how long the mother will stick around but we won’t be keeping any of the kittens once they’re old enough to be re-homed.

Anyway, I think I’vee read around 60+ pages so far and I am enjoying it. I missed this narrator though. I love their sarcasm.

Recently Finished –  11 (4)
I didn’t post a WWW Wednesday last week because I hadn’t read much and I’d just be repeating myself. So I have finished The Wonderling by Mira Bartok. I think this book was a little too young for me. I do read middle grade sometimes but this was not the kind of book I usually read. It was a cute read and I loved the illustrations but I don’t think I’ll be reading it again.

I’ll talk about this more in my review though. I don’t know when I’ll be posting it because I am behind again.. The joys of adulting.

The other book I read recently-ish was Magus Chase and the Ship of the Dead. This is the third book in the Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard series. I really enjoy Riordan’s DMydKunVQAEvpKObooks. I still prefer the Percy Jackson and The Heroes of Olympus series but I love the diversity in these books. Which I’ll go into more in my review. I have actually written this one already.

Again, I have no idea when I’ll be posting the review for Ship of the Dead but I’m hoping soon. If you love Riordan’s books and haven’t read this series then I recommend picking the first three books up. Annabeth and Percy make an appearance at the start of Ship of the Dead so that’s always a plus for me. I love both Annabeth and Percy. There was also a short story at the end of this edition but I haven’t read it. 7

Reading Next –
I think I’ll be reading the Northern Lights graphic novel next. I’ve read the first book in the His Dark Materials trilogy but I can’t remember what happened so this will better than re-reading Northern Lights.

What have you been reading?

– Aimee.

July Wrap Up.


I’m going to be doing things a little differently with my wrap up this month. I normally add my TBR for the next month after I’ve given a list of what I read but as it’s still July I haven’t gotten much of a TBR yet, except for my ARC August TBR. So I’ll just mention that at the end for anyone who hasn’t read my ARC August TBR post.


I read 10 books in July, two of them were re-reads. I had a bit of a reading slump and just couldn’t get out of it. Anyway, onto the ratings.

The Glittering Court by Richelle Mead – ★★★/5
Begin, End, Begin – A #LoveOzYA Anthology by Danielle Binks – ★★★/5
Illuminae by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff (re-read) – ★★★★★/5
Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff (re-read) – ★★★★★/5
When Dimple met Rishi by Sandhya Menon – ★★★/5
The Huntress: Sea by Sarah Driver – ★★★/5
Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index by Julie Israel – ★★★★/5
The Moonlight Dreamers by Siobhan Curham – ★★★★/5
Countless by Karen Gregory – ★★★★/5
The Leaving by Tara Altebrando – ★★★/5

Obviously I love Illuminae and Gemina and they were still good the second time. I also really enjoyed Juniper Lemon’s Happiness Index, The Moonlight Dreamers and Countless. The rest were just okay. I loved some of the stories in the LoveOzYA Anthology but most of them were just okay so I couldn’t give that more than three stars.

So, now for my ARC August TBR. I have made a post about this so if you’ve already read that then you can skip this part.


These are the five books I plan on reading for ARC August. Well they were when I made the TBR post. But I found another ARC that I should have already read by now that I’m going to read as well. That’s The Student by Iain Ryan. It’s set in Australia.

If you want to read the full ARC August TBR post then click the link 🙂

I’ll be posting my full August TBR soon. When I’ve figured out what else I want to read.

What books did you read in July?


WWW Wednesday [July 12th 2017] –


This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. All you have to do is answer the following three questions in a post and then put a link to that post in the Comments over at Taking on a World of Words.

The questions are:
1. What are you currently reading?
2. What did you recently finish reading?
3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading –
12I started When Dimple met Rishi yesterday and so far it’s okay.. This is not the kind of book I normally read, all the relationship stuff is not my thing and I can already tell how this will end despite what Dimple said from the beginning of the book.

I wanted to read this because I’ve never read a book with Indian characters and the culture being a main part of the story and I am enjoying that part. I just don’t think this is my sort of book. But I’m still going to finish it.

Recently Finished –
DEQBQX-VYAAjLQPI took a break over the weekend from review books, which I haven’t done in a while, and re-read two books I’ve been meaning to pick up again for months. I did push them back because the last book in the trilogy was pushed back until March next year (boo!) but I just couldn’t wait any longer. I blame Amie’s story in the LoveOzYA Anthology book. It was set in space and I was just like, no. I need Illuminae and Gemina now.

I can read both Illuminae and Gemina in one day. Each. Not both in one day. Which is why I just read them over the weekend. They are just so addictive and I never want to put them down when I’m reading them. DEK7JnfUMAA1lU6

If you haven’t read these books then I cannot recommend them more. When I first read Illuminae I didn’t know if I’d like it at all. I don’t think I’d read a sci-fi book before this but it was just so, so good!!

I cannot wait for Obsidio to come out next year. Even though I don’t want this trilogy to end I still want to know how it will end and what’s next for Kady, Ezra, Hanna, Nik, Ella and even AIDEN. I also want to know who’s behind the security videos because they’re funny. Anyway, if you haven’t picked up Illuminae or Gemina then you really should!DEBAkx7UwAAfS33

I also read Begin, End, Begin – A LoveOzYA Anthology. I always find these kinds of books hard to review (I think I said this in my last WWW Wednesday post?) because I never like all the stories in the book.

I’m just going to review this as best I can. I will not be reviewing every story though because that will take forever and I just can’t be bothered to be honest. I might mention the ones I really liked though. If I can remember what ones I liked….

Reading Next – 5
I think it’s about time I read this. I can’t even remember when I requested it because the book was sent to the wrong address and my old neighbour gave it to me. He said he’d had it a couple of weeks so I think this is a bit overdue.. 

All I remember about this is pirates and someone going missing. So I guess I’ll find out more when I pick it up.

What have you read recently?

– Aimee.

WWW Wednesday [July 5th 2017] –


This meme is hosted by Sam over at Taking on a World of Words. All you have to do is answer the following three questions in a post and then put a link to that post in the Comments over at Taking on a World of Words.

The questions are:
1. What are you currently reading?
2. What did you recently finish reading?
3. What do you think you’ll read next?

Currently Reading –  3
I started Begin, End, Begin: A #LoveOzYA Anthology this morning. I’ve only read one story but I liked it.

I find these kinds of books really hard to rate because I very rarely, if ever, like every short story. So I don’t know how I’m going to do the review yet.. I guess I’ll figure it out when I’ve read it. But I can already see I’ll be too lazy to review every story. I don’t have time for that.

Anyway, I’ve read books by three of the authors who wrote short stories for this book I think. So I’m looking forward to see what the other writers are like.

Recently Finished –
7I finished The Glittering Court yesterday and I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I have read most of Richelle’s book (not the Vampire Academy anniversary edition or whatever it is) and I did like her Bloodlines series.

So this book follows a Countess (I think that was her title?) as she takes her maid’s identity and runs away to join the Glittering Court and then off to a new life in Adoria. There are some twists along the way but I’m not going to say much here. I’ll be doing a review of this soon so I’ll talk about it more in that. I will say that I did like it and I’m looking forward to reading Midnight Jewel soon.

I also read Beyond the Wall this week. This is set in the Roman Empire and follows Cassia


as she flees from her master, Cassia is a slave, and runs to the north, where apparently people are living free.

I liked this more than I thought I would. I haven’t read anything set in the Roman Empire before I don’t think and I don’t really know what I was expecting but I did like it.

I’ll also be reviewing this eventually. I am behind with my reviews again but I haven’t been able to write any recently. I write them by hand and then type them up on the computer. I know, it’s ridiculous but that’s the way I’ve always done it.

Reading Next –
After reading Amie Kaufman’s short story in Begin, End, Begin I really want to read Illuminae… But I have so many review books to read too. Not that Illuminae actually takes long to read. I’ll have to see what happens when I finish my current read.

What have you read recently?

– Aimee.

Review: Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff.

Title – Gemina
Series – The Illuminae Files #2
Authors – Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff
Illustrator – Marie Lu
How I Got It – From the publisher
Pages – 672 pages
Publication Date – October 18th 2016 by Allen & Unwin
ISBN – 9781925266573
RRP – $24.99 NZD
My Rating – ★★★★★/5

Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy would probably be the death of Hanna’s social life – but no one said it might get her killed.

Hanna is the captain of the Heimdall’s spoiled daughter. Nik is a reluctant member of a notorious crime family. No one knows that Kady, Ezra and the Hypatia are on their way to Heimdall with witnesses  from the Karenza invasion.

When an elite Bei-Tech team take over the station, Hanna and Nik are forced to work together to defend their home. But Hanna and Nik aren’t just fighting for their own survival, the fate of everyone on the Hypatia and probably the universe are in their hands. But no pressure..

I received a copy of Gemina from Allen and Unwin New Zealand to review. I loved Illuminae when I read it last year. This was one of my most anticipated 2016 releases. 9

Gemina picks up after the events in Illuminae but before the conversation Kady had with Leanne at the end of the book. I didn’t re-read Illuminae before starting this but I did check the dates because I was kind of confused.

I love how different these books are to anything I’ve ever read. I love the way the book is set up, how the story is told in instant messages and summaries of security footage, it’s really a unique read. For me anyway. Both Illuminae and Gemina have been really addicting and so hard to put down. The stories are so good and so terrifying at the same time. Thanks for the nightmares about the giant parasite-things by the way! I don’t think I’ll get those images out of my head for a while.

Speaking of the security footage, I love the guy that narrates (that’s what the’s doing cvfppnrusaaptshright?) them. He’s hilarious and I’m hoping to find out more about him in the next book. I also loved Marie Lu’s diary illustrations. They were a beautiful addition to the story. I wanted to share one here without giving too much away and this little guy is just so cute!

I was surprised by how much I’d missed AIDAN until I read this. He was kind of frustrating in Illuminae but he grew on me by the end of the book. AIDAN made me laugh a few times while I read Gemina.

The twists in these books are so good! I really should have seen the ending of Gemina coming but I didn’t. While I was reading it my heart was broken and then a few pages later I was laughing. Amie and Jay are very good at what they do.

I cannot wait for the next book to come out! I’ve heard The Illuminae Files is going to be a trilogy but I kind of want it to be longer than three books. If you haven’t read Illuminae and Gemina yet then I definitely recommend picking up copies of them.

*Thank you Allen and Unwin New Zealand for sending me a copy to review*

 – Aimee.

October Wrap Up & November TBR.


Time for my monthly wrap up and TBR. I think I’m finally out of my slump. I haven’t read as much as I did earlier in the year but I have been busier. And it’ll only get worse as the holidays get closer. Anyway, onto my October wrap up.


Burn Baby Burn by Meg Medina – ★★★
Swarm by Scott Westerfeld, Margo Lanagan & Deborah Biancotti – ★★★
Run by Kody Keplinger – ★★★
American Monsters by Derek Landy – ★★★
The Bronze Key by Cassandra Clare & Holly Black – ★★★
Paper and Fire by Rachel Caine – ★★★★
Replica by Lauren Oliver – ★★★★
A Torch Against the Night by Sabaa Tahir – ★★★★
Gemina by Amie Kaufman & Jay Kristoff – ★★★★★

My favourite book of October was definitely Gemina. I cannot wait for the next book!!

Now for my November TBR. I’m not sure how much I’ll get to read but these are all at the top of my TBR.


I forgot to put This Savage Song in this photo but I was almost finished it when I put my TBR together so I didn’t think it counted.

I’m currently reading Holding up the Universe and will definitely be finishing it today. It’s such a good book and I love Libby and Jack.

What’s on your November TBR?
